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Johannes Gutenberg Gensfleisch

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Q: Who improved upon the Chinese invention of moveable type?
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Related questions

What was the most important Chinese invention?

Well some of the possibilities are paper, moveable type, and gunpowder.

Who was the inventor of moveable type?

The Chinese invented moveable type, and Johann Gutenberg, a monk from Germany, invented the printing press which used the Chinese's method of moveable type, just in a simplified and simpler way.

What invention made Marco Polo's journal avilible to public?

Moveable type and the printing press.

Select all that apply. The creation of moveable type led to an increased appetite for knowledge which in turn led to . the circulation of the first newspapers the invention of the printing press a new?

The creation of moveable type led to the circulation of the first newspapers and the invention of the printing press.

How did Gutenberg's moveable type differ from Chinese moveable type?

In the Chinese character set, each character represents a whole word...which is why there are so many Chinese characters. In Western languages like English and German, words are made of multiple characters. So Gutenberg's type would have been different from Chinese type for that reason alone.

Who is the inventor of the Chinese printer?

It is Bi Sheng. He invented the moveable-type printer in mid 12th century.

Without what type would printing books been difficult?

The answer is moveable type.It's that easy! =D

Inventor of moveable type?

Johannes Gutenberg is credited with inventing moveable type around 1440, revolutionizing the way information was printed and disseminated. His invention is considered a key development in the history of mass communication.

Why was block printing more useful in Europe than china?

China's writing system contained thousands of different characters, most Chinese printers found moveable type impractical.

Who perfected the moveable type?

Johannes Gutenburg

Who invented the Germany moveable type?

Johannes Gutenberg is credited with inventing moveable type in Germany around the mid-15th century. His invention revolutionized the printing process and played a key role in the spread of knowledge during the Renaissance and beyond.

Of Germany invented the moveable type?

-Johann Gutenberg