

Who influenced the rights of man?

Updated: 12/14/2022
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Q: Who influenced the rights of man?
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The French Revolution was influenced by the enlightenment ideals of "natural law" and freedom. These ideals were also shown in the Declaration of the Rights of Man. Hope this helped(:

Who was influenced by the bill of rights?

Strongly influenced by George Mason.

Who was bill of rights was influenced?

Strongly influenced by George Mason.

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the declaration of independence. helped spark the french revolution after the example set by the Americans

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John Locke influenced Thomas Jefferson about inalienable rights.

Which enlightenment thinker influenced the US bill of rights?

The Bill of Rights was influenced by the enlightenment with its emphasis on natural rights. Based on the ideas of Locke, men are by nature free and equal and they are born with certain inalienable rights. The Anti Federalists sought the inclusion of the Bill of Rights to protect these rights.

What influenced the Bill of Rights?

John Locke (:

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Bill of Rights

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What were some of john Locke's discoveries?

john Locke didn't discover anything. He was a thinker, writer, and philosopher who wrote about "natural rights of man". This influenced Jefferson who based his thinking on Locke when writing the Declaration of Independence.