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Nobody "brought" the Spanish ito the Americas. The Queen of the Kingdoms of Leon and Castile (which would form part of the nucleus of what became Spain in 1516) financed a voyage of discovery by Christopher Columbus.

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Q: Who initially brought Spanish to the Americas?
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Why were Africans brought to Spanish colonies in the Americas?

They were brought to the Americas for slavery.

Why did Europeans import Africans to the Americas?

Initially slaves were brought to the Americas to work the sugarcane fields

Why did Europeans import enslaved Africans to the Americas?

Initially slaves were brought to the Americas to work the sugarcane fields

Why did the Spanish begin bringing Africans to the Americas?

The Spanish brought Africans to the Americas to meet the increasing demand for labor in the colonies, particularly in industries like sugar cane plantations. They initially relied on indigenous populations for labor, but turned to African slaves due to their resistance to subjugation and high mortality rates from diseases brought by the Europeans.

What percentage of slaves who arrived in the Americas were brought to Spanish colonies?

Of all the Africans brought to the New World, sixty percent were brought to Spanish colonies.

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No, not initially. The first settlers from England were Christians and they brought their religious practice with them.

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i think it was the Spanish conquistadors.

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Farming and trade

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Roman Catholicism was brought to the Americas by the Spanish conquistadores, not only Mexico.

How many slaves were brought to the Americas between 1500-1750?

12,000,000 Africans were brought to the Americas. Nearly 95% of them went to the Spanish colonies in Latin America and the remainder to the United States.

Who brought the first mustang to America?

Mustangs were not brought to the Americas, they were created in the Americas by foreign stock brought over by the Spanish and later English settlers. The breeds brought over are as follows. From Iberia: Sorraia, Lusitanos, Andalusians, Spanish Jennets, Barb and Spanish barb crosses. Eventually the English brought: Cleveland Bays, Ponies of various breeds, Crossbreds of specific types and draft breeds.

How would you compare the conquest of the Americas by the Spanish to the conquests of other rulers in Europe and Asia?

spanish conquest brought diseases