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Halloween was invented by Dw Thompson because he kept hallucinating and seeing his deceased mother in a ghostly form

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Q: Who invented Halloween when and why was Halloween invented?
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Related questions

Where were Halloween masks invented?

In someone's head

Was Halloween invented by the Celtic Irish?


Did the irish invent halloween?

Yes, it is true that the Irish invented Halloween.

When was Halloween music invented?

in the late 18 hundreds

Why was ground hog day invented?

Because it is for fun, like Halloween

What popular Halloween candy did the Goelitz family invent?

The Goelitz family invented candy corn.

What religion invented Halloween?

It's a combination from 2 religions actually. The Celts which were Polytheists and Christianity which is monotheist.

Why has Halloween become associated with fear?

well the Celts invented probably the earliest Halloween ever. It was then called Samhain and was meant to be the day that Ghosts of dead people returned to the earth. This is the most probable answer.

What has witches have to do with Halloween?

They are scary and sometimes use black magic, but they are just fictional characters invented to scare people.

When was Halloween candy corn invented?

Candy corn was invented in the 1880s by a man named George Renninger with the idea of mimicking the appearance of corn kernels. You can find in depth information about this on Wikipedia at the following link address:

Why was Holloween invented?

Halloween was invented as a way to fight of evil spirits. Dressing up in a costume scared the evil spirits away. Over the years, it has developed into what people celebrate today.

What is French for Halloween?

Easy : Halloween = Halloween