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Q: Who invented a efficient steam engine?
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Who invented the efficient steam engine in 1769?

no one invented the the steam engine in 1769 but James watts improved the steam engine in 1769

Who invented the first efficient steam engine?

The first crude steam engine was patented in 1678. It was invented by English military engineer and inventor Thomas Savery.

Was James watt famous?

yes, he invented the steam engineHe improved the steam engine and made it more efficient he did not invent it.

Who is the inventor of steam engine?

Thomas Savery, in 1698 based on Davin Papin's pressure cooker in 1679

Who invented steam engine and in which year?

James Watt invented steam engine & it is invented in 1769

Who invented the American steam engine?

Peter Cooper, invented the American Steam Engine.

Who invented the early steam engine?

Thomas Newcomen invented the early steam engine in 1705.

Who invented the first steam enngine?

The first steam engine was invented by Thomas Newcomen

When did thomas newcomen invented steam engine?

1712 it was known as the "Atmospheric Steam Engine".

Where was thomas newcomen's steam engine invented?

The Newcomen engine was invented in England.

Who invented the first steam engine and why?

Though not the original inventor, James Watt is often cited as the person that developed a useful and efficient steam engine. The requirements were needed at the time of the Industrial Revolution to power the new machines in factories and for transport.

Designed a steam engine that was 40 more efficient half the size and significantly cheaper than standard steam engines.?

designed a steam engine that was 40% more efficient, half the size, and significantly cheaper than standard steam engines.