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Q: Who invented a straight line in mathematics?
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Who invented a straight line?


In mathematics term what does chord mean?

a straight line joining the ends of an arc

Is calculus a name for a straight line?

No. Calculus is a branch of mathematics. Or a concretion of minerals - often in the kidney.

The first number line is the?

In basic mathematics, a number line is a picture of a straight line that serves as representation of negative and positive numbers.

In mathematics what is a symptote?

A straight line which is approached , but never reached by an infinite branch of a curve , and which can be regarded as a line tangent to the curve at infinity.

What is mathimatical radious?

In mathematics, the radius of an arc is a straight line from the centre of curvature of the arc to the arc. In the case of a circle it is the line from the circle's centre to its circumference.

How do you pronounce a straight line above the vowel a?

The line above a letter in mathematics means a vector whose mane is the letter. So it is pronounced "vector a"

What does a straight line mean in science?

In Euclidean and Newtonian mathematics, it is a set of points where any three points define a straight angle, that is an angle whose angular measurement is 180°.Outside Euclidean mathematics, such as curved space defined by Einstein, things break down, but if you are dealing with things on Earth, Newtonian mathematics is sufficient. ■

Why is slope important to mathematics?

It is the slope of the straight line equation of: y = mx+b whereas 'm' is the slope and 'b' is the y intercept

Who is the inventor of mathematics?

Math was not invented by a single person. Different people discovered or invented different areas of mathematics.

What is a line in math?

The shortest distance between any 2 points. An ideal zero-width, infinitely long, perfectly straight curve (the term curve in mathematics includes "straight curves") containing an infinite number of points. In Euclidean geometry, exactly one line can be found that passes through any two points.A line in math is a straight line that goes forever on each side.

What was isaac newtons contrabution to mathematics?

Newton "invented" "applied mathematics" and calculus.