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Q: Who invented and used the first sextant?
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atrolabe came first, the astrolabe was invented before the sextant, and the sextant was the model that made the compass

Where was the sextant invented?

Nobody knows where the sextant was invented... It is possibly invented where a English people live. like probably Great Britain or Europe. --..................................--

What is the sextant used for?

you use a sextant to navigate.

What did John Hadley invent and when?

He invented the octant which was a precursor to sextant.

What tools were used in the history of measurements?

The altimeter was one of the first which measured vertical distance and was invented by Paul Cailletet. Other instruments that were the first of it's kind where the protractor, which was invented by Joseph Huddart, And sextant, which was invented by Thomas Godfrey and John Hadley.

Is Tycho Brahe a girl or boy?

A Man. the Danish astronomer spent many years computing star positions and is said to have invented or improved the Sextant. We used to think it was a funny quote- Tycho Brahe ( pronounced Bra) invented the Sextant- accents on first sylabbles! He also discovered Tycho"s Star- probably a supernova which was visible Day and Night for over a year!

Who made the first sextant?

my mom

Who invented the sextant?

im not 2 sure it is john bird or jhon hadley

When was the sextant used?

Sextant, instrument for determining the angle between the horizon and a celestial body such as the Sun, the Moon, or a star, used in celestial navigation to determine latitude and longitude. ... The angular distance of the star above the horizon is then read from the graduated arc of the sextant

What instrument is used to measure a the angle of a star?

A sextant.

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