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Daimler and Benz did: they invented the first highly successful and practical gas-powered automobiles that ushered in the age of modern motor vehicles.

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Q: Who invented first car to use an internal combustion engine?
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When was the first combustion engine fitted in a car?

The first practical automobile with an internal combustion engine was invented in 1886 by Karl Benz in Germany.

The internal combustion engine was first invented in what year?

u don't know so I am

Who invented the first motorcycle powered by an internal combustion engine?

Samuel Morey , an American engineer was the first one to get a patent for motorcycles designed with Internal Combustion Engines

When was internal combustion engine invented?

The internal combustion engine was invented in 1876 by German engineer Nikolaus August Otto. Otto's engine, commonly known as the "Otto engine," was the first successful four-stroke engine and revolutionized the way people think about and use engines. The internal combustion engine has since become a crucial technology for powering everything from cars and boats to generators and airplanes.

In what year were car engines invented?

Many different car engines have been invented. The first internal combustion engine was invented in 1807. It used a fuel of hydrogen and oxygen. In 1858 the first coal gas fueled internal combustion engine was invented. In 1864 a gasoline fueled engine was attached to a cart.

When was the first city bus invented?

Depends on whether you are talking internal combustion engine, horse drawn or electric tram? Horse drawn was decades before the internal combustion engine.

Who was the very first person to invent the internal combustion engine?

who was the first person to invent the internal combustion engine

Who invented the radial engine?

Jacob Christian Hansen Ellehammer invented the first 3 cylinder radial internal combustion engine in 1904.

Who was the first to patent a working internal combustion engine?

Karl Benz was the first person to patent internal combustion engine.

When was the internal combustion engine first invented?

The first device that could be called a prototype of the internal combustion engine was invented in the fifth century, in the form of Roman machines used in sawmills. In the seventeenth century, this idea was expanded upon with the addition of gunpowder as a power source. Internal combustion engine development accelerated in the late 19th century, and they were widespread by the 1900s.

Who invented the automobile internal combustion engine?

Although there had been various examples before, English scientist Samuel Brown was in 1823 (revised in 1826) the first man to patent the internal combustion engine.

When was the internal combustion engine invented?

17th century: English inventor Sir Samuel Morland used gunpowder to drive water pumps, essentially creating the first rudimentary internal combustion piston engine.