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The machine was invented by Daisuke Inoue, a Japanese musician from Kobe, in 1973.

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Q: Who invented karaoke?
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Who invented the karaoke?

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Which nation invented karaoke?


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How old was Roberto Del Rosario when he invented the karaoke?

Roberto Del Rosario was in his 30s when he invented the karaoke machine in 1975.

In what country did karaoke first become popular?

Japan The karaoke machine was invented by Daisuke Inoue in Kobe, Japan in the 1971.

What nation invented karaoke?

Daisuke Inoue of Japan invented the first karaoke machine but failed to patent it. Karaoke means "empty orchestra" in Japanese, coming from "kara" meaning "empty" and "oke", a shortening of "okesutora" the Japanese word for "orchestra". Since Inoue failed to patent the machine, however, the patent was legitimately granted to Roberto del Rosario of the Philippines, who is therefore the patented creator of karaoke machines. Thus, Japan is the nation that invented karaoke and Philippines is the nation that holds the patent right to karaoke machines.

Who invented karoke?

Many Belief that Karaoke was invented by a Filipino (Philippines) inventor and sell it's rights to Japanese.

What did Roberto del rosario invent?

He is a Filipino who invented the Karaoke Sing Along system.

What is the Contribution of Roberto del Rosario?

He invented the Sing-Along Karaoke System. Unfortunately, he is still fighting for his rights for his invention.

Why was karaoke invented?

So people can have fun singing their favorite songs. This is also a good entertainment for bars and pubs.

A sentence using karaoke?

The crowd rushed the stage when they heard MY karaoke. Was that in the karaoke bar? Do you know now not to karaoke in public?

What does Sound Choice Karaoke sell besides karaoke machines?

Sound Choice Karaoke is known mainly for the karaoke machines that are for sale, but they also sell other merchandise besides karaoke equipment. Some other things that Sound Choice Karaoke sells besides karaoke machines are: recording equipment, microphones, and karaoke maintenance equipment.