

Who invented length?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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Q: Who invented length?
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Who invented the meter of length?

Meter as a unit of length was not invented but introduced in accordance with international convention, in 1875. The idea of introducing the metric system originated in France in the 18th century.

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usually an eraser is quite small and if you are wanting to know who invented it I can tell you that it was definitely Joseph Priestley

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The meter was invented in 1791. As being 1/10,000,000 of the distance from the North Pole to the equator.

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The largest lizard is the Komodo dragon-it can reach 10 feet in length. Komodo dragons are patient hunters: they bite their prey and wait sometimes for days for the prey's slow death.

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Vernier calipers was invented to measure the dimensions of objects to an accuracy of 2 decimal points. Eg: Length of a cylinder measured using this instrument can be say 6.46 cm.This gives an accuracy.

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The Meter length was made by measuring the wavelength of radon one cycle is 1 meter they chose radon because it does not change due to temperature or pressure its a constant length never changing

Who invented the first ruler used in measurement?

We do not know, this information was never recorded, but it is evident from the buildings of the ancients that standard units for length were in use then.

What was used before rulers for measurement?

before using rulers to measure people used sticks but then they relized that every stick wasn't the same length so they invented inches and centimeters that were all the same length and then they started making rulers isn't that cool :)

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Irrational numbers have been known since very early times. For example, it was recognised that the length of the diagonal of a unit square was not a rational number.