

Who invented mechanical computer?

Updated: 10/4/2023
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Q: Who invented mechanical computer?
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Why Is Charles Babbage Important To The Computer?

He is father of computers. He invented mechanical computer.

What happen during the mechanical age in computer?

The Mechanical Age in computer history was from 1450 to 1840. This is the age when Punched Cards were used to perform calculations, the slide ruler was invented, and Charles Babbage invented the first modern computer that was a steam powered adding machine.

Which civilization invented the first computer?

The Greeks are assumed to have invented the first known computer circa 100BC, a mechanical analog computer for astronomical calculations assumed to be used as a navigational aid on ships.

How could Charles Baggage invent the electronic computer if he was born in 1791 and it was invented in 1641?

The electronic computer was not invented in 1641, there was no electronics in 1641. The electronic computer was invented in the 1940s. Charles Babbage did invent the programmable digital computer, the Analytical Engine, but it was mechanical not electronic.

When was the first computer every invented?

Charles Babbage invented the first computer, the mechanical Analytical Engine, in the mid 1830s. However he was never able to get support or funding to build it.

What was the name of the computer that charles Babbage invented?

The 'Difference Engine' - it was a mechanical calculator.

Why ada lovelace is called as mother of computer?

Because she was married to Charles Babbage - He was known as the 'father' of the computer - as he invented the 'difference engine' (the first mechanical computer).

Who was discovered the computer?

Charles Babbage was the first to create the idea of a mechanical computer ( he invented it, he didn't discover it).

Who is the real father of the computer?

Babbage invented a mechanical computer in the mid-nineteenth century. Electronic computers wer invenbted by a chap called Turing.

Did Charles Babbage invent the computer?

Yes he invented a mechanical computer called the difference engine. This has been built, works, and is to be found in the science museum in London.

Who invented the mechanical reaper?

Cyrus McCormick invented the mechanical reaper in 1834.