

Who invented people and animals before God?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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What, you mean God wasn't the first to invent people and animals??? Wait till the Pope hears about this!

I believe that the only deity who is earlier than God is the Flying Spaghetti Monster. But I could be wrong.

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14y ago
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Q: Who invented people and animals before God?
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People did not invent God. God has always been.

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What year were animals invented?

The year god created Adam,Eve .

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Yes, he was. He was the creator of all mankind, and was thus alive before anyone else. For he created the Earth, people, animals, and everything on this Earth. God is the only mighty god!

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God is not real. The concept of God was invented by people.

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well when the world was made by God, God made two people Adam and Eve and God said that they can name every animal and not to eat the fruit off the tree of noladge and so the devil talked them into eating it, so they did and thats how sin started PS: God made animals before people.

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he loves both people and animals because we and the animals are his creations.

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it was invented by god in 10000 A.D because alot of people couldent see. There is no such thing as god!!

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Many people believe that God did.

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because its a god

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Before the god created the earth you sun of freak