

Who invented sodoku?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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13y ago

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It was an original brain workout from Japan.

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Q: Who invented sodoku?
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Streptobacillus moniliformis in North America while spirillary RBF or sodoku is caused by Spirillum minus and occurs mostly in Asia

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think better. IQ is less about what you know, but how you think. Open your mind, look at things from different angles, that kind of things. do puzzles like sodoku and so on.

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What type of bacteria that occurs in chains would cause a disease called rat bite fever?

Streptobacillus moniliformis in North America while spirillary RBF or sodoku is caused by Spirillum minus and occurs mostly in Asia

What type of rod shaped bacteria that occurs in chains would cause a disease called rat bite?

Streptobacillus moniliformis in North America while spirillary RBF or sodoku is caused by Spirillum minus and occurs mostly in Asia

How do you improve my mental skills?

Try doing some brain teasers or games that make you think. Sodoku, Rubiks cube, and crosswords are always good. It doesn't help if you give up though; if you don't get it try again or ask someone to explain it to you. You should improve everytime you do one.

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It's kind of like sodoku. You can only have one of each picture in the rows going horizontal and vertical. Once you have gotten every one so that the board is full with none of the same pictures in the horizontal and vertical rows, hit the check mark.

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invented in 500BC before electricity was invented

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