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Paul Beirne

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Q: Who invented the automatic fish feeder?
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How do you make a automatic fish feeder?

i dont know. you can buy a pricy one tho

How much does a automatic fish feeder cost in Canada?

10 dollars 56 cents

Do you have to put an automatic fish feeder if you are going to leave your betta for a week?

no. but if you have a unhealthy b

How do you invent a automatic fish feeder?

It's already been invented. However you may be able to make one yourself depending upon what type of food you're putting in it and what type of fish you will be feeding.Be careful to avoid overfeeding all types of fish."Automatic" fish feeder:

Has an automatic pet feeder been invented yet?

There are several automatic pet feeders currently on the market, including Perfect Pet Feeder and Le Bistro pet feeder. Some feeders use timers, while others have motion sensors.

Is swai fish a bottom feeder fish?

No, the Swai Fish is not a bottom feeder fish, but they do have a vegetarian diet.

Who invented the deer feeder?

i dont know who did invented the deer feeder

What is the differences from a goldfish and a feeder fish?

a goldfish is a feeder fish. I kind of disagree with the answer above. Yes, goldfish CAN be feeder fish, but they aren't necessarily feeder fish. Feeder fish are really fish that are rather small and are fed to other animals, and that are for some reason thought as not being as precious as other "pet" fish. So a feeder fish and a pet fish are two different kinds of fish, really. Not all goldfish are feeder fish. There are expensive goldfish, more than 10 dollars per fish! Then there are those goldfish breeded to be eaten that are sold as 75 cents per fish. So there are "pet" goldfish and "feeder" goldfish. So, a goldfish is not necessarily a feeder fish.

Where can you find feeder fish?

Most pet shops will carry some feeder fish.

Feeder fish How do you tell male from female of the?

Feeder fish, How do you tell male from female of the?

Did anyone invent an automatic cat feeder without using electricity or timers if so please tell who and where you can research him or her?

no it has yet to be invented sorry