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600-1800 AD

The Europeans found that writing on parchment with a quill pen altered the style of their writing. At first they used capital letters all the time, but later they developed faster styles with small letters. Quill Pens (firstly appeared in Seville, Spain) were the writing instrument from 600 to 1800 AD.
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Q: Who invented the first pen ever made?
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What did they use before the pen was invented?

they used quills

When was the quill pen first invented?

Quills were the main writing tools for everyone from the 6th century until the 18th century. They were typically goose feathers and sometimes they were swan.

What did people use before the pen was invented?

the feathers of a bird. loaded on he inside with ink they would sharpen it

Who invented the word pen?

Nobody invented it, the word pen simply evolved over time like many words in English.The English word "pen" began with the classical Latin word for a feather: penna.This word became penne in Norman French in around the 10th century AD, when goose feathers began to be used to make quill pens, using only the central rib of the feather. At that time the Saxon people of England were mostly using reeds to make their pens and these had a very different name.When the Normans invaded England in 1066 they naturally brought their language and technology with them and gradually the Anglo-Norman word penne was taken into Middle English as the everyday term for any writing instrument (including quills, pencils and a metal stylus for scribing on wax tablets). By the end of the medieval period the word had shortened to pen and its meaning was restricted to a quill pen made from a feather - the kind of writing instrument that was still being used at the beginning of the 19th century.

What kind of pen was used to write in the olden days?

The 'olden days' dip-pen was made from bird's flight feathers - geese, ducks, usually. The tip that once went into the bird's skin, was cut in such a way as to form a nib.

Related questions

What pen was the first pen made?

The Quill or Reed Pen was the first pens ever made

Who invented the ball point pen?

A Hungarian journalist named Laszlo Biro invented the first ballpoint pen in 1938. The Hungarian brother's, Laszlo and George Biro, made the first Ball Point Pen in 1894. It followed the first workable fountain pen which was invented by L.E. Waterman in 1884

Who invented the first tablet?

the first tablet was made by apple in 2009 when they had touch screen pen righting

When was the pen invented?

in 1884 the fountain pen was invented... however the first conventional ballpoint pen was invented in 1938.the first ball point pen was invented in 1888.the first ball point pen was invented in 1888.

In what year was the ink pen first invented?

The first patent ball point pen was made October 30, 1888 by Lewis Waterman but the first solid-ink fountain pen wasn't presented until 1907 by Parker Pen Company.

Who made the safety pen?

Walter Hunt Invented the safety pen.

Where was the first pen invented?


Who invented the first pen or writing instrument?

John J. Loud And László Bíró Invented the pen

Where was the felt tip pen invented?

In 1962 the first felt-tip pen was invented in Japan by Yukio Horie.

Who invented ballpoint pen?

While there were several prior patents launched, the standardised ballpoint pen as you know it was invented by László Bíró. The first patent of the ballpoint pen was John Loud ..1888; 60 years before.

What colour was the first ever type of pen?

The first ever one was black

Who invented the quill pen?

their really is no telling who invented the Quill pen due to the fact that it was invented so long ago but evidence proves that in was first invented in Seville Spain