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the first piano was invented by bartolomeo cristofori

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Q: Who invented the first piano?
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The first ever piano?

The first piano was a harpsichord. Then it was the organ, followed by the clavichord. Later, the piano was invented.

Who invented the first piono?

Bartolomeo Cristofori is the inventor of the piano. The piano was invented between 1700 to 1720 and evolved from the harpsichord.

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The automatic player piano was invented by Heneri Fourneaux in the year 1863. =]

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Bach isn't close to the first man to play piano. That distinction goes to the person who invented the piano, in the first place.

When was the piano invented and how?

The invention of the modern piano is credited toBartolomeo Cristofori (1655-1731) ofPadua, Italy.He invented it in the year 1700.The person who invented the first piano was Bartolomeo Cristofor who was an Italian inventor. It was invented in the mid 1700s. The piano was such a great invention that companies were trying to mass produce them.

Who was the person who first invented the modern piano?

Bartolomeo Cristofori

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Bartolomeo Cristofori he was the one who made the first piano

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When was the Upright Piano invented?

The Upright Piano was invented in 1826.

What are facts about about the piano?

On the Piano there is 88 keys. There are 52 white keys and 36 Black keys.There are over 12,000 pieces on the piano and 10,000 moving pieces. The piano was invented by a man called Bartolomeo Cristofori. He was Italian.It was invented in the year 1698.and he was the first one to play the piano.

Was the harp invented before the piano?

so was the harp invented before the piano