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Q: Who invented the first river boat in 3500 BC?
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When was the first boat invented?

The first boat invented was in 4000BC.

Who invented the steampowered river boat?

robert fulton

When was the first speed boat invented?

The first speed boat was invented in 1910 by David Harmon

Who invented the first fishing boat?

The fishing boat was invented in 1912 by Otis Evinrude.

Which was first invented airplane or steamboat?

the steam boat was invented first

Where was the first speed boat invented?

it was invented in Michigan

When was the first coal powered boat made?

Coal was invented in 2001, and the first coal powered boat was invented in 2008. it sank.

Where was the first boat invented?

There is evidence that the first boat was invented by settlers in Australia. This dates back to over 40,000 years ago.

What type of transportation was there before railroads?

In 3500 BC wheels on carts were invented, and the first wheeled vehicle ever was produced. As well river boats with oars were invented in 3500 BC. In 2000 BC Horses were being domesticated and used as a means of transportation. In 1620 the first submarine was invented, although I would not call that a means of transportation at that time. 1662 brought the first public transportation, this horse drawn vehicle even charged fares to ride! The hot air balloon was invented in 1783. 1787 brought us the first steam boat, they had been discovered previously but not quite. Bicycles were invented in 1790, still a popular means of transportation to this very day! Shortly after in the early 1800's is when the railroads came about.

Who when and where was the first boat invented?

the Egyptians invented them out of straw and twine and tar

Why was the steamboat invented?

The steamboat was invented to make it easier for people to boat up river, before that, they had to row up river and it was extremely exhausting, with the steam boat they didn't have to row at all. And it was created to carry slaves, food and white folk

Who invented the first steam boat?

Robert Fulton