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invented by British geologist Arthur Holmes in 1913...

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Q: Who invented the geological time scale you know today?
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How did geologist decide where on division of the geological time scale ends and the next begins?

The answer before this was smart alec and stupid so I'm just typing this instead so you know not to look at this.

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I know that the plate boundaries are 2 continental but I don't know the geological event.

How were the periods divided in the geological time scale?

The longest periods of the geological time scale are eons. Each eon is divided into eras and each era is made up of periods, which are further divided into epochs. Each division ended when a significant geological event occurred, such as a major ice age ending or a meteor impact resulting in a mass extinction of animal life, etc.

How did geologists decide where one division of the geological time scale ends and the next begins?

The answer before this was smart alec and stupid so I'm just typing this instead so you know not to look at this.

Who built the Matterhorn?

Geological conditions created the Matterhorn commencing some 200 million years ago. The shape as we know it today comes from a million years of erosion

How geological units of similar ages are shown on a geological map?

I don't know I thought you smart asses had the answers

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What is the purpose of a geological time scale?

The reason Geologic Timescales are used are to give sense of what time begining from 4.5 billion years ago, and the satges through Evolution. That's how it's possibly percieved, I am not accuratly certain, so do research and come up with a possible answer to counter my statement.