

Best Answer
  1. The first electric hearing aid, called the Akouphone, was created by Miller Reese Hutchison in 1898. It used a carbon button transmitter like a telephone, but could provide only limited amplification. These hearing aids could fit into a purse.
  2. One of the first manufacturers of electric hearing aids was Siemens in 1913. Their hearing aids were bulky and not easily portable. They were about the size of a tall cigar box.
  3. The first vacuum tube hearing aid was patented by Earl Hanson in 1920. It was called the Vactuphone and used a carbon button transmitter like a telephone to turn speech into electrical signals. After the signal was converted, it would be amplified when it moved to the receiver. The hearing aid weighed seven pounds. Marconi in England and Western Electric in the US began marketing vacuum tube hearing aids in 1923.
  4. During the 1920s and 1930s, the vacuum tube hearing aid became more successful and began to decrease in size with better miniaturization techniques. The first wearable hearing aid using vacuum tubes went on sale in England in 1936, and a year later in America.
  5. One of the major advances that World War II enabled was the idea of miniaturization. This could be seen by Zenith's pocket sized Miniature 75.
  6. With the introduction of the transistor, hybrid vacuum tube & transistor hearing aids like the Sonotone 1010became available. The vacuum tubes were still needed because of noise problems with early transistors.
  7. The first all transistor hearing aids were offered in 1952, called the Microtone Transimatic and the Maico Transist-ear. Hearing aids were one of very few applications that the transistors at that time could be used for as they did not operate at frequencies much above the audio range.
  8. In 1964 Zenith sold a behind the ear hearing aid using an analog integrated circuit amplifier. It weighed just 7 grams.
  9. In the late 1980s several companies used digital signal-processing chips in hearing aids, initially in hybrid analog-digital models in which digital circuits controlled an analog amplifier.
  10. Fully digital models debuted in 1996, and programmable models adding general purpose microprocessors, became available in 2000.
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Who invented the first hearing aid?

Hearing aid trumpets were used as early as the 16th century. The first electric hearing aids were invented at the beginning of the 20th century as electric amplifiers.

What date was the hearing aid invented?

the first hearing aids were created in the 1500s

Who invented hearing aids?

It is uncertain who invented the first electric hearing aid, it may have been the Akoulathon, invented in 1898 by Miller Reese Hutchinson and made and sold (1901) by the Akouphone Company of Alabama for $400. The first non electronic hearing aid was invented in the 17th century, and the first electronic hearing aid was invented in 1898. There are now digital hearing aids since the year 1996.

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Why was the hearing aid invented?

The first hearing aids were made in the 1500s out of wood so nobody really knows who invented them. They looked like the human ear. By the 19th century, hearing aids were sold in many parts of the world as consumer products. However, the hearing aids of those times were affordable only by the upper class.

What was the date of the hearing aid' s invention?

It was invented in the 1500's.

Where was the hearing aid invented?

If you mean "ear trumpets," a non-electronic device to amplify sound, they were invented around London in the 1600's. The first electronic hearing aid was made in Alabama around 1898.

What is the Akoulathon?

A hearing aid invented by a man named Miller Reese Hutchison.

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When hearing aids was invented?

It is uncertain who invented the first electric hearing aid, it may have been the Akoulathon, invented in 1898, but hearing aids in general, are an old concept. In the older days hearing aids were simply big, bulky, mechanical devices, such as trumpets and etc.