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leonardo davinci

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Q: Who invented the horizontal water wheel?
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Related questions

What civilization invented the water wheel?

The sumerians invented the water wheel.

Who were the inventors and their inventions before the 17th century?

Following are the inventors and their inventions before the 17th century: The first flush toilets invented by Wheel-lock musket. A horizontal water wheel designed by Leonardo DaVinci. Peter Henlein invented the pocket watch. A water thermometer invented by Galileo Galilei.

Was the person who invented the water wheel a boy or a girl?

It is true that the water wheel was invented by a group of seven people

What are water mills?

A watermill is a structure that uses a water wheel or turbine to drive a mechanical process. There are two basic types, vertical wheel or horizontal wheel.

Where was the water wheel invented?

It was invented in Florence, Italy. Not Built but invented.

Who invented the water wheel?


Did the Sumerians invent the water wheel?

Yes, Sumerians did invent the water wheel. In fact the Sumerians invented the wheel.

What was the year that the water wheel invented?

The water wheel dates back to 4,000 years BC.

When was a water wheel invented?

31 AD

Who was the first person to use the water wheel?

Perhaps Vitruvius. That is because he was the one who invented the water wheel

Who was the man that invented the water wheel?

The water wheel has been around for ages, and have been invented several times in historu, and in different places. No single inventor can be pinpointed.

Who invented the first water wheel?

Leonardo Da Vinci drew the first diagram of the water wheel.