

Who invented the names for colors?

Updated: 9/14/2023
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Q: Who invented the names for colors?
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Who invented the names for certain colors?

red blue yellow black

When were colors invented?

When the ancient people viewing them started giving them names.

How was color invented?

Everything that is often used must have name. Such objects as colors were often used by people and people decided to give them names for simplicity. They were not invented. Only its names were invented. Colors as object are innate nature property so explanation lays in quantum electrodynamics (because colors represent photons of diffrent wave length and photons secret isn't yet enough reseached). So if you mean invention of colors as objects i.e photons - they are not invented fully yet

Who invented the colors?

Nobody invented the colors.Only the famous artists that mix colors and make new colors.

How were colors invented?

Actually, colors wern't invented. We can identify colors through our eyes. No one invented colors. God gave us eyes so we can live happily with colors that makes joy to our life. --thanks!

What is black and gray and invented in the South?

colors cant be invented

Where did the names of colors come from?

the Greeks

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Who invented disappearing colors?

I did! Gabrielle Thompson

Who invented neon colors?

george clune

Why are names invented?

names are invented because so people call you by your name and not call you that girl or that boy

How colors invented?

The colors weren't invented. It is only applied in our sight. Our brain sends messages to our eyes that we see something. That's all.