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Abe Donsky 1918-1995/96, Born and lived in Connecticut, USA.

He invented the night light in 1965.

He was married, and was the father of 4 children.

He was the original inventor of the noise detection (clapping) light swtich.

He invented light switch activation by rubbing feet on carpet (friction light).

He invented a very bright light to help old people read.

Someone tried to produce night lights without paying Donsky but were unsuccessful.

His son, Gerald Donsky, was murdered, shot in the back of the head by his landlord while he was playing his grand piano in his appartment. (approx. 1990)

His grandson met his wife on J-date

He is the great uncle of Leah Beth Mersky.

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arielle nicholas

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3mo ago
Canadian Patent number CA 372856 1938 night light. It was a light at the bottom of a floor lamp the cover used to be marble.
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12y ago

Thomas Edison invented the light.

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they werent invented, they were just there. so they are out at night (i'm sure you've noticed) and they light up the sky, that all i can say.

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Nobody invented infra-red or infra-red lights as such. Infra-red is radiant heat and is a natural phenomenon and is emitted by essentially all light sources. Infra-red devices with no visible light emissions, are, in their simplest form, radiant heaters. What was invented were ways to use IR for night-vision - often called image intensifiers.

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Before the light bulb was invented in the late 1800s by Thomas Edison, people used candles, fire, oil lamps, or gas lamps or lights to create light while it was dark.

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