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Gutenberg of Germany in 1439 invented the printing press. It is important because before the press only the king or the church could tell people what they needed to know. In the middle ages about 90% of the people didn't know how to read or write and depended on others to given them information. One reason there are stain glass windows in churches is to tell The Bible stories that people couldn't read for themselves. Reading gives people ways to think new things, to compare ideas, and to created new ideas. It gives people freedom from slavery.

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Johannes Gutenberg is credited with inventing the printing press in the 15th century. The invention of the printing press revolutionized the way information was disseminated, making books and other printed materials more widely accessible and affordable. This innovation played a crucial role in the spread of knowledge, the advancement of education, and the dissemination of ideas during the Renaissance and beyond.

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Q: Who invented the printing press and why was it important?
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Who inventing the printing press?

Printing Press was invented by Johann Gutenberg

German who invented the printing press?

Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press. Approx. 1436

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when johann gutenberg invented the printing press he was 52

Who invented the printing press in 1440?

Johannes Gutenberg from Mainz, Germany invented the printing press in 1440.

What was important about Johannes Gutenberg?

Invented printing press. Lookup more info on About.Com.

What famous inventor invented the printing press?

In 1436 Gutenburg invented the printing press in Germany.

Who idea was it to make the printing press?

Gutenberg of Germany invented the printing press.

Why was the moveable type of printing press so important for publishing -?

The movable type of printing press was important for publishing because all the type can be cast, without the need to carve them. This machine was invented by Johannes Gutenberg.

When did Johannes Gutenberg invent the printing press?

In the late 1440s Johann Gutenberg developed printing by movable type. (Printing using wood blocks and so on was already well known).Note that printing by movable type was already known in Korea.He invented the printing press in 1454.Gutenberg did not invent the printing press, the printing press he used was a modified lithography press that already existed. What he invented was movable type, which greatly sped up the process of setting up the press for printing.

What came first typewritter or printing press?

The printing press was invented before the typewriter. Johannes Gutenberg developed the printing press around 1440, while the typewriter was invented by Christopher Sholes in 1867.

Who invented prining press?

John Wycliffe invented the printing press in 1450 A.D.

Who invented painting press?

Johannes Gutenberg invented the *printing* press ... don't know about a painting press.