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No one is credited for inventing window panes or windows because they have been around since the stone age and the information on the first person to use them has long since been lost.

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Q: Who invented window panes or windows?
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Why do windows become misty when there are lots of people on a bus?

The warm moist breath of the many people will conense on the cold window panes.

How many windows does the TARDIS have?

The TARDIS typically has six windows on each side, for a total of 12 windows. However, the exact design and number of windows can vary depending on the era of the show and the specific TARDIS design being used.

Who invented window panes?

The use of window panes dates back to ancient Rome, where flattened pieces of translucent animal horn were used to let light in while keeping the elements out. The modern glass window pane as we know it was invented in France in the 17th century. The credit for this invention is often given to a Frenchman named Léonard Danch of Paris.

Why do windows fog up inside window panes?

I assume you are referring to double-pane windows, which are constructed by using two panes of glass separated by a space. The frame in which the panes are held is sealed (sometimes, an innert gas is used to fill the space between the panes as a way of limiting ultraviolet radiation penetration), and is airtight. If that seal is broken, air from outside the panes can enter the space between the panes of glass. This will result in the gradual introduction of moisture into the space. The amount of moisture will not be substantial at first, because there won't be much exchange of air from the space between glass panes and the outside unless there is a fairly substantial breach of the seal. That would usually require some substantial force, and would likely break the glass, anyway. Because there is virtually no regular circulation of air between panes (even if the seal is eroded in some spot), any moisture that gets between the glass will stay there. Furthermore, since there is (now) a breach in the seal, heat will cause the air between the panes to expand and cooling will cause the air to contract. This will keep a regular supply of moisture entering the space between the panes. The fog results from the moisture condensing on the glass in the space between the panes. When a seal is breached, you will first notice just a small bit of moisture , and that will usually be localized to the area of the breach, spreading out over time. This process takes years before you have a large portion of the window fogged. At its worse, the real issue is not the vapor itself (although it will eventually block your view in or out of the window), but the introduction of mold spores or other microorganisms which will grow in the nice, moist environment. (A neighbor of mine let this process get so bad that the entire window was coated with mold.) There is no way to repair this problem - the seal, once broken, has already introduced moisture which cannot be effectively removed. the pane must be replaced.

Why was the window invented?

Windows were invented to provide ventilation, light, and protection from the elements while still allowing visibility to the outside. They also serve as a way to enhance the aesthetics of buildings and structures.

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I am looking for someone to install insulated replacement window panes in Bloomington, MN?

You have several options when it comes to hiring a company to install window panes in Bloomington, MN. Nationally, Home Depot sells and installs windows. Locally, Budget Exteriors, Minnesota Window & Siding Co, and Window Outfitters Inc will be able to install insulated replacement window panes for you.

Who invented windows on a house?

Who invented the house window.

What year was the first window made?

The first glass window was made in the Roman times! == ==

Is glass repair cheap for windows?

The cost of window glass repair varies according to window needing to be fixed. Basic glass window panes for standard windows are lower cost. Anything that must be custom cut or fitted will be more expensive.

Why do windows become misty when there are lots of people on a bus?

The warm moist breath of the many people will conense on the cold window panes.

Double-pane windows have nitrogen gas or very dry air between the panes Why is ordinary air a poor idea?

Using ordinary air between the panes of double-pane windows can lead to condensation forming inside the window due to the presence of moisture in the air. This condensation can reduce the insulating effectiveness of the window and cause visibility issues. Nitrogen gas or very dry air is used to prevent condensation and maintain the insulating properties of the window.

What does Faire les vitres mean?

'les vitres' are the window panes. 'Faire les vitres' is to clean the window panes.

What is a strip that divides glass panes in a door or window?

The strip dividing glass panes in a door or window typically is referred to as a "muntin."

Replacement Windows for Better Insulation?

Replacing windows with heavier panes, multiple panes or panes made from the latest insulating materials can help homeowners improve the quality of the insulation of their homes. Windows are now created with more advanced features than older windows were. Just like other industries, window makers are constantly developing new and improved versions of their products. In addition, installation techniques have improved to help secure windows in ways that keep air from circulating in from outdoors through gaps between a window and a frame or a frame and a house. Replacement windows can help homeowners reduce their heating and cooling expenses.

How many windows does the TARDIS have?

The TARDIS typically has six windows on each side, for a total of 12 windows. However, the exact design and number of windows can vary depending on the era of the show and the specific TARDIS design being used.

Why do gyms often have steamed-up windows?

Lots of people panting and sweating gives off lots of moisture, which condenses on the cool window panes.