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aryabhatta first invented zero in India

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Q: Who invented zero first in India?
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Where zero number was invented?


In which country was the Zero invented?

In India

When did Fibonacci invent the number zero?

zero was invented independently in India

Where zero is invented?

As far as can be ascertained, in India.

Who is the inventre of zero?

Who is lost in time but it was almost certainly invented in the Middle East, or possibly India. Great mathematician Aryabhatta from India invented zero

In which country was zero invented?

Most Everybody in my country know India has invented Zero .In reality movie also shown it. And it is true. Other country just want to take this credit also.Shame on them

Did the ancient Indians invent the number zero?

Yes india invented the zero

Who invented the zero long before Europe?


Who personally invented number zero?

it was invented in India sometime in the middle ages

What did the Arabs have to do with the invention of the number zero?

The zero was invented in northern India and passed on to Europe by Arabs.

Where did the number zero come from?

zero was invented by great mathematician Aryabhata.

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