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Q: Who is Famous American TV host and the richest African-American woman of the 20th century?
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Is Miley Cyrus the most famous American girl alive right now?

No, If you mean youngest,richest and most widly known, ten yes, but most famous girl remains to be OPRAH.

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she is the richest woman on earth

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due to dischargements of Donald Tromp the richest boy is now Usher since January 1st 2004 and he still is the richest young boy....The Famous singer out.!

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Famous in the Last Century was created in 2000-04.

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Steven speilberg but James Cameron is the richest

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Gustav Stickley was an American furniture designer. He became famous for his designs that, in the 20th century, were extremely popular. His designs later became known as the Mission style.

Is David Beckham still famous for his football skills?

Yes he is famous for his football skills , so he is still the richest footballer.

What is marianne Moore famous for?

Marianne Moore is famous for her modernist poetry, known for its precise language, unique imagery, and structural complexity. She won the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in 1952 and was a key figure in 20th-century American poetry.