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He is the delivery boy and the assistant store keeper at jody's store. He helps janie by copying things jody would say to amuse her. and pleaasee her.

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Hezekiah is a young man in the novel "Their Eyes Were Watching God" by Zora Neale Hurston. He helps Janie by offering her a place to stay when she runs away from her unhappy marriage to Joe Starks. He provides her with a safe haven and shows her kindness during a difficult time in her life.

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In "Their Eyes Were Watching God," Janie is the one who flirts with Tea Cake. Their relationship develops as they grow closer and fall in love with each other.

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Janie was married to Joe for 20 years in "Their Eyes Were Watching God."

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The move to the Everglades in "Their Eyes Were Watching God" symbolizes Janie's pursuit of independence and self-discovery. It marks a shift from the restrictive environment of Eatonville to a place where Janie can explore her identity freely. The Everglades also serve as a setting where Janie confronts challenges and ultimately finds a deeper sense of empowerment.

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Janie does not enjoy her job at the store in "Their Eyes Were Watching God." She finds it unfulfilling and tedious, leading her to feel trapped and dissatisfied in her marriage to Jody. Janie ultimately seeks more fulfillment and independence outside of the store.

Does Janie marry Tea Cake in Their Eyes Were Watching God?

In the novel Their Eyes Were Watching God, Janie Crawford is married three times: first to Logan Killicks, then to Jody (or Joe) Starks, and finally to Vergible Woods (nicknamed Tea Cake).

Who catches Janie kissing Johnny Taylor in their eyes were watching god?

Her grandmother, "Nanny".