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Esau (Esav) and Jacob (Yaakov) were twins. Esau was the first to be born,

with Jacob emerging literally on the heel of his brother.

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According to The Bible, Isaac's firstborn son is Esau.

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6y ago

Esau (Genesis 25).

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Esau was Isaac's first born son.

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Who bore Abraham's first son?

Abraham's first son was Ishmael, who was born to him by his wife's servant, Hagar. Ishmael is considered the ancestor of the Arab people.

Who is the mother of Joseph son of Jacob?

The mother of Joseph, son of Jacob, was Rachel. He was her first-born son.

Does Joseph Isaacs son Joseph have daughters?

If you're talking about the figures in the Biblical book of Genesis, then let's back up a few generations and try to get it straight: -- Abraham migrated to Israel late in his life. His children included his son Isaac. -- Isaac lived his whole life in Israel. His children included his son Jacob. -- Jacob left Israel, worked for his uncle for 20 years, and returned to Israel. He had 12 sons and one daughter. Joseph was one of the sons. Dina was the daughter. Joseph was forcibly taken to Egypt as a teen-ager. Years later, Jacob and the rest of his family migrated to Egypt during a famine. All of them died there. Their descendants left to return to Israel only after another 230 years, and only a few of them completed the return trip. -- Joseph had two sons: Ephraim and Menassah. There were no daughters. The sons were born, lived, and died in Egypt.

What is a ishmalite?

According to the Torah/Genesis, Abraham had sons by both his wife Sarah, and by Sarah's handmaiden, Hagar. Isaac was the son born of the former, Ishmael the son born of the latter. The Ishmalites are the descendants of Ishmael. "Ishmalite" is also generally taken to be another word for "Muslim".

In the final plague which sons where killed?

In the final plague in ancient Egypt, all the firstborn sons of the Egyptians were killed, while the Israelite firstborn sons were spared by following instructions to mark their doorposts with the blood of a sacrificial lamb.

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Isaacs son Esau was a hunter, but the bible never says he was redheaded hunter.

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