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Q: Who is James Hutton and explain the contribution you made to the modern science of geology?
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What did James Hutton specialize in?

Science and geology.

What is the significant contribution of James Hutton to the knowledge of the earth?

According to Wikipedia, "he originated the theory of uniformitarianism—a fundamental principle of geology—which explains the features of the Earth's crust by means of natural processes over geologic time. Hutton's work established geology as a proper science, and thus he is often referred to as the "Father of Modern Geology".

Who was the first paleontologist?

The first recognized paleontologist is often considered to be Georges Cuvier, a French naturalist from the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Cuvier made significant contributions to the field of paleontology through his studies of fossilized animals.

What major contribution did James Hutton and sir Charles Lyell make to the field of geology?

The age of the Earth was the idea changed by the work of James Hutton and Charles Lyell. Charles Lyell incorporated Hutton's thinking into his principle uniformitarianism, which stated that mechanisms of change are constant over time.

Who is considered to be the father of modern geology-?

James Hutton is considered to be the father of modern geology. For more information please see the related links.

Who discovered erosion first?

Hutton, Hutton is credited with being the founder of modern geology. Among his ideas: The Earth is continually being formed.

What big ideas did James Hutton contribute to the study of fossils?

He came up with the 'principal of uniformitarianism' which basically means the present is the key to the past, like how plants grew, volcanoes erupted etc is the same as how it was in the past as how it works in the present. the principle is used in the study of geology to help explain what earth was like millions of years ago. it helped Hutton explain what fossils are and how they are formed. (:

Who used Uniformitarianism to revolutionize a science?

The term Uniformitarianism was coined by the English scientist William Whewell. The theory was originally developed by the Scottish geologist James Hutton and this was popularised by Charles Lyell in his publication "Principles of Geology".

Who is the father of human geology?

I am a geologist and I have never ever heard the term "human" geology. The study of ancient human activity is called "archeology". Because of this it is impossible to answer your question.

How would Hutton and Lyell explain the formation of the grand canyon.?

Both James Hutton and Charles Lyell are considered the fathers of uniformitarianism geology. Hutton's view of uniformity of rate; mountain ranges or grand canyons are built by accumulation of near insensible changes added up through vast time. Some major events such as floods, earthquakes, and eruptions, do occur. But these catastrophes are strictly local.

How did Hutton get the name Father of Geology?

Before Hutton the church said that the earth was 6,000 years old,created on October 13th mid-afternoon but when Hutton,a Scottish farmer began studying rocks he came to a place called Sickly Point,where he discovered the earth must be atleast a few million years old,so he started the study of rocks,geology

Who outlined the principle now called uniformitarianism?

James Hutton, a Scottish physician and geologist, is credited as the father of modern geology. In 1785, he formulated the doctrine of uniformitarianism, establishing the uniformity between past and present geological processes. James Hutton, a Scottish physician and geologist, is credited as the father of modern geology. In 1785, he formulated the doctrine of uniformitarianism, establishing the uniformity between past and present geological processes.