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As per the Vaidik scriptures, Gargi was the enlightened daughter of sage Vachaknu. She composed several vaidik hymns. She was widely respected for her elightenment, knowledge and grace. She was the only lady invitee in the Brahma-Yagna performed by Yogiraj Janak, the King of Videha (and father-in-law of Lord Rama). During that yagna, she had a debate with sage Yajnavalkya on several subjects including the soul or 'atman' and proved her supremacy by defeating the most eminent sage of that time. She established her own ashram and gurukul where she propagated vaidik learnings among students and scholars. Along with Ghosha, Lopamudra and Maitreyee, she is considered one of the 4 lady pillars of vaidik wisdom.

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Lady Gargi was a renowned philosopher and scholar in ancient India, particularly during the Vedic period. She is known for her exceptional knowledge and participation in philosophical debates with male scholars. Lady Gargi's contributions to the field of philosophy and her fearless attitude in a male-dominated society have made her a prominent figure in ancient Indian history.

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