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Q: Who is Mrs .hartridge in good night Mr .tom?
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Who are the main characters of good night mister tom?

The main 'chacters' in Good Night Mister Tom is the weak to strong willi (william) and the all mean and strong Mr.tom wich is Tom Oakley

Who it Mr Hartridge in Goodnight Mr Tom?

Mrs Hartridges husband,who is supposed to be dead but we find out at the end of the book that he is a prisoner of war.

Who played Mr tom in goodnight Mr tom?

Mr Tom, William, Zach, George, Carrie and Ginnie, Mrs Annie Hartridge, Lucy, Will's mother, Glad, Trudy, Mr Hartridge, Sammy, Elizabeth Thatcher, Dr Stelton, Mrs Little, Dr Little, Rachel, Matthew Parfitt, May Thorne, Miss Black, Patsy, Ruth, Mr Peters, and many many more! just ask another question.

Who is Annie Hartridge in the book''Goodnight Mr Tom''?

Annie Hartridge is Willie's best friend in the book "Goodnight Mr Tom." She is described as a spirited and lively girl who shares a strong bond with Willie. Annie's character provides light-hearted moments in the story and helps to offset some of the darker themes.

Who is Annie hartridge in goodnight mr tom?

Mrs. Hartridge is Willie's school teacher and they have a special bond, mainly because she is so proud of Willie's accomplishments. Halfway through the book, she gives birth to a baby girl named Peggy. At the same time, her husband is reported to be missing, presumed dead, but later it is discovered that he is a prisoner-of-war in Germany. Willie loves her and thinks that she is the most beautiful person he has ever seen. She is a motherly presence in his life.

In 'The Adventures of Tom Sawyer' what was Tom's dream about?

His dream was what he really saw when he came back the other night and spied Aunt Polly and Mrs. Harper talking

What is mister tom's dead wife called in good night mister tom?


Why does tom decide to go to the movies with Clare?

because tom waws enjoying a good night out

What do you learn about tom from his decision not to go with clare?

because tom waws enjoying a good night out

When was Mrs. Major Tom created?

Mrs. Major Tom was created in 2003.

Who is the author of good night mr tom?

Michelle Magorian

How does willies mom die in good night mr tom?

William Beech's mum died by suicide you can see chapter 20 in good night Mr Tom on page 379