

Who is Pat Condell and why is he so important today?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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He is a British atheist thinker and self educated philosopher, who offers great examination and ideas through his video blog on YouTube. Mr. Condell fights against religious ignorance and intolerance in the whole world, which makes him an important public figure and political thinker, to whom many people, mostly religious ones should look at and listen. Some people would learn a great deal about religion and why we don't need it anymore in today's modern and hopefully tolarating world.


Like many atheistic prophets, Condell has an agenda that has very little likelihood of affecting the majority of those with sincere religious beliefs. He is better known as a comedian from the 1980s and 1990s whose current turn into proselytism has run afoul of YouTube for its characterizations of Islamic beliefs.

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