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Percy in "The Miracle Worker" is a servant for the Keller family.

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Q: Who is Percy from the miracle worker?
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The Miracle Worker Plot SummaryWhat does Helen do to Percy and Martha?

Attacks Martha with a pair of scissors in Act 1.

How does percy help helen in the miracle worker?

In "The Miracle Worker," Percy is a young student of Annie Sullivan, the teacher of Helen Keller. Percy helps Helen by being a supportive classmate, showing empathy towards her struggles, and providing companionship that helps Helen build her confidence and trust in others. Percy's kindness and friendship play a crucial role in Helen's journey towards communication and learning.

How do you describe Viney in the miracle worker?

In "The Miracle Worker," Viney is the maid in the Keller household. She is described as kind and caring, providing support to Annie Sullivan and helping with Helen Keller's care. Viney is a minor character who plays a supportive role in the story.

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In the Miracle Worker why does Percy ring the bell?

I've played Percy before in The Miracle Worker. My interpretation of it is that when Helen pushes Martha over and grabs the scissors about to hurt Martha Percy runs over to the bell to inform the family inside of what's going on. It's almost automatic for Percy that when something like this happens with Helen he rings the bell. When I was doing it I added a line in where I yelled through the doorway: "Mrs Keller! Mrs Keller!" because Mrs Keller does indeed come out and get Helen off Martha. Hope this helped!

In the miracle worker how is the pump symbolic?

The Miracle Worker is a true story and the pump is not symbolic it is just what happened.

What year was the miracle worker written?

"The Miracle Worker" was written in 1959 by William Gibson.

What was Helen Keller's nickname?

Helen Keller's nickname was "The Incarnation of Darkness."

Who published the miracle worker?

"The Miracle Worker" was published by Random House in 1957. It was written by William Gibson.

When was The Miracle Workers created?

The Miracle Workers was created in 1982.

What is the miracle worker technique?

By strong force