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St. Peter Chanel was a catholic French priest and martyr who lived from 1803 to 1841. From a young age, he had wanted to become a missionary, so in 1831 he joined the then newly formed Society of Mary (Marists) to go to the foreign missions. He traveled and preached mainly in Oceania, visited several islands, and eventually ended up on Futuna in 1837. The king of the island became unhappy with the missionaries when they learned enough of the local language to start preaching in it, because he was afraid that his position, which involved some claims of divinity, would be threatened. The breaking point was when the king's son wanted to be baptized. The king sent one of his soldiers to kill St. Peter Chanel, and he was clubbed to death with an axe. Interestingly, the king eventually converted to Catholicism himself before he died. St. Peter Chanel was made a saint in 1954 and his feast day is April 28.

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St. Peter Chanel was a French Roman Catholic priest, missionary, and martyr who was involved in evangelizing the Pacific islands. He was a member of the Society of Mary and is recognized as the patron saint of Oceania. He was martyred in 1841 in Futuna, a small island in the Pacific, while trying to spread Christianity.

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Peter Chanel was born on July 12, 1803.

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Peter Chanel was born on July 12, 1803.

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Peter Chanel is the patron saint of Oceania only.

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Peter Chanel died on April 28, 1841 at the age of 37.

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Peter Chanel was born on July 12, 1803 and died on April 28, 1841. Peter Chanel would have been 37 years old at the time of death or 212 years old today.

Who is Saint Peter Chanel?

Saint Peter Chanel (July 12, 1803 - April 28, 1841), born Pierre Louis Marie Chanel, was a Catholic priest, missionary, and martyr.

When did Peter Chanel die?

Peter Chanel died on April 28, 1841 at the age of 37.

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Peter is buried under the sanctuary of the St. Peter's Basilica.

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