

Who is Taylor lauter dating?

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Q: Who is Taylor lauter dating?
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Who did Taylor lauter date?

At one point he was dating Selena Gomez. then there were some rumors saying that he was dating Taylor Swift

Does Taylor Lauter smoke?

no taylor lauter does not smoke

Is Taylor lauter and selna gomes dating?

Well they probaly were but Selena Gomez does not like him anymore and plus he loves Taylor swift!

Is Taylor lauter single?

He is 17, and is not engaged to anyone. He dated Taylor Swift last year, and currently is dating on and off, and is interested in Emma Roberts

Who is better Taylor Lauter or Taylor Swift?

Taylor Lautner.

Is Selena Gomez dating someone else?

selena gomez is dating justin bieber but she was found in Miami dating taylor lauter at the same time thats called double dating she was also dating robert pattinson whats up with twilight first taylor then robert triple dating all three boys like her but selena gomez wasnt prettier enough for taylor lauter so they broke up so then selena gomez was dating justin bieber and robert pattinson at the same time right now in 2012 and in 2011 too

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Is Taylor Swift going out with Taylor lauter?

Taylor Lautner and Taylor Swift they break up in December 2011

Is Taylor Lautner colorblind?

No, Taylor Lauter is not colorblind.

Does Taylor lauter have a girlfriend?

i think Taylor swift is going out with him

Does taylor lauter have any sisters?