

Who is Zeus' son with metis?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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The only child Zeus had with Metis in myth was Athena.

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Q: Who is Zeus' son with metis?
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Zeus and Metis were going to have a daughter or son. He found out that if he had a son, his son would overthrow him like Zeus did to Kronos. Zeus tricked Metis into turning in to a fly by saying that she was too powerful to do so. He then ate Metis. Later, he had a pain in his head and told his cupbearer to take an ax and split Zeus's head. Athena sprang out of him in full battle armor.

Who is Athena the goddess of and what is her relation to Zeus?

Athena is the goddess of wisdom. She is Zeus's favorite daughter. Her mother is Metis. When Zeus swallowed Metis because he was afraid of a son Metis was going to have, Zeus had a big headache, some one split open his head and out came Athena.

Is Athena the daughter of Kronos or Zeus?

The goddess Athena is the daughter of Zeus and Metis. Since Zeus is the son of Kronos, Athena is Kronos' granddaughter.

What goddess sprouted straight out of Zeus' head?

The goddess that didn't sprang out of Zeus' head was Athena. Earlier, Zeus had swallowed his wife Metis because he was told that if Metis had a son, that the son would overthrow his father. Later, Zeus got a pounding headache. He told Hephaestus (his son by Hera) to cut open Zeus' head. Then, Athena jumped out, in full armor and ready for a battle.

Who was Athenas parent?

Zeus and Medis.In myth Zeus swallowed Medis whole in fear of a new king being born.Zeus started getting head aches and his son chopped his head open....out rose Athena

Why did Zeus swallow his first wife?

Answer: Metis was the first love of Zeus. Gaia warned Zeus that Metis would bear a daughter, whose son would overthrow him. So Zeus swallowed her. The reason for this was to continue to carry the child through to the birth himself. ----

What was the relationship between Zeus and metis?

Metis was the mother of Zeus's daughter Athena.

What is known about Metis Athena's mother?

Metis is Athena's mother. Zeus got metis pregnant. when his grandmother told him that after metis had his daughter that she would bare a son that would destroy Zeus and take his place on the thrown so Zeus found metis and ate her whole. but she and her unborn child lived in side of his belly for a cuple days and when Athena got strong and brave her mother some how made her a armored suit and she sprung out Zeus head. but before she could reach for her mother Zeus woke and closed the hole. leaving metis to be alone with out her hope of ever escaping. And Metis still is in there because she inmortel.

How was the goddess Athena created?

When Zeus' wife Metis became pregnant, Zeus feared that Metis would birth him a son who would overthrow him and take his place as king of the gods. So Zeus tricked Metis by playing a transforming game. When Metis turned herself into a fly, Zeus swallowed her. When Zeus began having terrible headaches, he called his son Hephaestus to come. Hephaestus then split open Zeus' head because Zeus told him to. Out sprang Athena, fully grown and in full battle armor. Zeus was so pleased he called her his 'brain child' and made her the goddess of wisdom and battle strategy.

Who was Zeus' second wife?

Zeus had many wives, the second of which was Metis. Metis gave birth to Athena. Because of prophecies claiming that Metis' second child would replace him, Zeus proceeded to eat Metis. Zeus was a horrendous jerk.

Did Metis die when Zeus swallowed Metis?


Why did Zeus swallow Metis?

Zeus had impregnated Metis and when the great goddess Gaia found out she issued a prophecy that any son of Zeus and Metis would usurp the throne of Zeus' father. Zeus wanted to prevent this from happening so naturally he decided to swallow Metis whole. Unfortunately for Zeus Metis wasn't pregnant with a boy but with a girl. The child grew and grew inside of Zeus' head and he developed an epic headache that got worse and worse for several years. Hephaestus eventually saw Zeus' pain and split his head open and out came a fully dressed full grown Athena. I hope you found this helpful. :)