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The people who don't care about their animals

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Q: Who is almost solely responsible for animals becoming extinct?
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Why are the animals that are almost extinct almost extinct?

They may have been a hunted species, or maybe there enviorment is being destroyed. Mostly mankind does it.

Are Bear almost extinct?

Well, it depends what type of panda you are talking about but yes most panda are in danger of becoming extinct.

What type of animal that not exist anymore called?

Animals that are extinct from the earth are animals that used to live on the earth but are all dead now. Endangered animals are almost extinct.

Do animals almost become extinct because of animal testing?


What do you call a person who raises baby animals that are almost extinct?

An extologyst.

What animals are almost extinct?

pandas are the closest to extinction there is only 300 of them left. 

What does a green peace worker do?

green peace helps to keep animals that are almost extinct safe.

How are extinct animals different from endangered animals?

extinction is the death of every member of a species or group of taxa (A taxonplural:taxa) or taxonomic unit is a name designating an organism or a group of organisms). A species becomes extinct when the last existing member of that species dies. Extinction therefore becomes a certainty when there are no surviving individuals that are able to reproduce and create a new generation.A species may become functionally extinct when only a handful of individuals survive, which are unable to reproduce due to poor health, age, sparse distribution over a large range, a lack of individuals of both sexes(in sexually reproducing species),or other reason.An endangered species is a population of an organism which is at risk of becoming extinct because it is either few in numbers, or threatened by changing environmental or predation parameters.

Are there tons of cats in this world?

of course! Almost all animals are above 50k, besides the extinct, or vulnerable ones!

Are Elephant almost extinct?

Elephants are considered an endangered animals that could become extinct. One threat to the elephant is poaching. Elephants are killed for their tusk for the ivory trade, which is illegal.

Why were bald eagles almost extinct?

Because people put poison on their plants and animals would eat the plants and eagles would eat the animals and be poisoned.

How long has a dodo been extinct for?

because you know some animals are extinct . that's because they live in the wild. but mostly dodos are nonsensitive animals that are paranormal. well,dodos were extinct for 8-70 years. some extinct animals die after christmas.