

Who is an important person in Afghanistan?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: Who is an important person in Afghanistan?
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Why is the war in Afghanistan important?

It is important because it is the longest war in the world.

Can a person enlisted in the army in a multimedia position be sent into Afghanistan?

If needed in Afghanistan- or anywhere else.

What are some important people and events in Afghanistan?

A person who has lived there in the past is Alexander The Great. And important event is they gained their independence on August 19, 1919 and they wrote their constitution on January 4, 2004

What is a person who lives in Afghanistan is called?


The most important ethnic group in Afghanistan?

The Pashtuns.

What do they call Afghanistan people?

Quoting the Afghanistan Peace Organization ( "People of Afghanistan are called Afghans, not Afghani. Afghani is the name of the currency used in Afghanistan."

What are the United nations doing to help stop the conflict in Afghanistan?

Nothing. The United Nations has not said anything important or interesting about Afghanistan.

What was the legacy that was left behind that was important?

Mostly the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

The most important ethnic group in Afghanistan is the?

Pashtuns (Pathans)

Important event in 2002?

The most important event of 2002 was probably the United States invasion of Afghanistan.

What are the staple foods that are in Afghanistan?

The staple foods in Afghanistan is Wheat (the most important one), rice, barely and maize(which is corn). :)

Why is Afghanistan poetry so important?

Because everyone likes poetry.....don't they?