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Q: Who is at the bottom of the caste system?
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What is the bottom class of the caste system?


Does huddhism believe in cast system?

Hinduism approves social order and class distinction in a caste system. The priests are Brahmins, and are at the top of the cast. The Brahmins are revered in society. The Pariahs are lowly individuals, and are at the bottom of the caste.

How did hundism affect the caste system?

it affected the caste system by bringing new content to the caste system.

Is Nair forward caste in kerala?

Nair is one of the caste in Kerala. All human are same. In that sense, you can not say one caste is forward or other is backward. If you see the caste system, Nairs are considered as Shudras who comes at the bottom in Hindu varna(color) system. First is Brahmins and then Kshathriyas(Mainly Verma) and then Vaishyas(Who does trace) and then Shudras who work for all the other three groups.

The ultimate goal of Hindus was?

The goal was to get to moksha. If you were at the bottom of the caste system you would have to be reincarnated and keep working your way up the caste system and when you got to priest or pharaoh you would get to moksha (die without being reincarnated)

What are the Buddhism beliefs in respect of the caste system?

Buddhism has no belief in caste system. It frankly rejected the caste system.

What was based on the writings of the veda's?

The Caste System

How many people live in India with caste system and without caste system?

It is the religion of Hinduism that uses the caste system

What was opposed the caste system Buddhism or Hinduism?

certainly Buddhism was opposed to caste system. Hinduism invented caste system.

Which group is outside the caste system?

The group outside the caste system are the untouchables they are'nt considered part of the caste system

What is the harappa?

Harappa government is just like the Caste System in India. It puts its lower citizens to the bottom of the food chain.

Caste system was influenced by?

The caste system was influenced by the Indian Government