

Who is called father of physics?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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10y ago

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There are several people that have been given that title. HOWEVER, I give my vote to Sir Isaac would a majority of people.

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Q: Who is called father of physics?
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Father of Physics- ISAAC NEWTONHe was born 1642 on the Christmas in Linconshire.

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Technically Isaac newton would be more likely to deserve the name father of physics. Albert Einstein would be more likely to be called the father of astrophysics, although physics and astrophysics are related. Physics is the science of matter and energy. Astrophysics is matter and energy as it relates to the universe. However, if a father should be the first person who comes up with physics, then it could be thought of as Thales of Miletus who was the first to come up with primordial matter.

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Galileo Galilei has frequently been called the father of modern science. Galileo made many advances in the fields of astronomy and physics.

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Yes,Sir IsaacNewtonis known as one of the greatest scientists of the world and so is the father of physics.

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