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Q: Who is cleverer about money Mrs Mann or Mr Bumble in the book Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens?
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Who created Oliver the twist?

You mean Oliver Twist. Charles Dickens created him.

Who said in what Charles Dickens novel the law is an ass?

The phrase "the law is an ass" was said by Mr. Bumble in Charles Dickens' novel "Oliver Twist." It criticizes the legal system for its injustices and lack of mercy toward the poor and disadvantaged.

When was Oliver Twist written by Charles Dickens?

yes oliver twist is written by charles dickens

Who wrote the novels hard times and Oliver's twist?

Charles Dickens.

What was Charles Dickens hard times and Oliver Twist books language?

Charles Dickens wrote in English.

Did Charles Dickens who play Oliver Twist?

No, Charles Dickens did not play Oliver Twist. Oliver Twist is a character from Dickens' novel of the same name, but he was portrayed by various actors in stage plays, movies, and TV adaptations of the story.

What is the name of the author who wrote olivier twist?

The author who wrote "Oliver Twist" is Charles Dickens.

Who is Charles Dickens and why is he famous?

He was the Author of "OLIVER TWIST"

What is Charles Dickens greatest book?

maybe Oliver Twist.

who wrote Oliver! ?

Charles Dickens wrote this book in 1837.

How Charles Dickens dodger was descibed in Oliver Twist?


What did Charles Dickens work as?

Charles Dickens was an author and editor. He wrote The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club, Pickwick and Oliver Twist.