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Next of kin, if you are not familiar with the term, just means the closest relative. If there is a surviving spouse, that is the next of kin. If there is no surviving spouse, then surviving children or surviving parents, failing that, a surviving sibling, then we go to aunts and uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews.

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Q: Who is considered next of kin of a deceased person?
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Can a person who is not the next of kin or the spouse of the deceased have the right to over ride the wishes of the legal kin?

The executor has the responsibility to resolve the estate and settle debts regardless of what the next of kin want.

Who is your next of kin if you dont have adult children?

Your spouse is your next of kin if you are married. If you have no spouse and no children then your parents and siblings are your next of kin. Which is first depends on the law where you live.It depends on state law; however, generally the deceased person's spouse (through marriage) would be next-of-kin.If the deceased person is not married, it would generally be his/her parents.

Who owns a deceased persons property who has no heir?

When a person with no next-of-kin dies owning property, their property 'escheats' to the state.

What happens if a deceased person did not have a will and the person who is next of kin dies before the estate is settled?

Generally, the probate of the first estate would need to be completed. If the next of kin who died is the only heir and was living when the first person died then that person's estate would need to be probated.

Who is next of kin stepson mother sister son when father dies?

Mother, if you mean wife of the deceased husband.

Who is next of kin to deceased grandmother with living brother deceased son and living grandchildren?

Generally, the grandchildren would be the next of kin. You can check state laws of intestacy at the related question below.

Is the mother or the father a child's next of kin?

The mother AND the father are a child's next of kin. Next of kin is determined by legal adoption, marriage and blood. If a child's parents are deceased their next-of-kin would be their siblings by blood or by legal adoption.

Our father died with no will and mother is also deceased. There are six children. Who is next of kin?

In most every jurisdiction the six children would be considered next-of-kin. You can check the laws in your state at the related question link provided below.

Can the next of kin claim a legacy that was left to the deceased person?

Depends on the relationships and the wording in the Will as the will may state something different is to happen

Who is responsible for medical bills after a patient is deceased?

the patient's next of kin

What is mean by next of kin?

Next of kin means a person's nearest relative. Kin = family.

Who is a widow's next of kin?

That depends on whether or not they have any children, grandchildren, siblings, or if their parents are still living. If they have children, then the children are the next of kin. If they had children and the children are deceased, yet had children of their own, then the grandchildren would be the next of kin. If there are no grandchildren either, then the parents are next of kin. If the parents are deceased, then the siblings would be next of kin. If they have no children, grandchildren, siblings or surviving parents or grandparents, then the closest blood relatives would be their next of kin, such as aunts and uncles, cousins, etc. in that order.