

Who is effected by arthritis?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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There are over a hundred forms of arthritis and they can effect people of any age and from any walk of life.

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Q: Who is effected by arthritis?
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Related questions

What joints are effected by Arthritis?

Any of the body's joints can be affected by arthritis.

Can kids be affected by arthritis?

Yes, kids can be effected by arthritis. This is called Juvenile Arthritis. It usually goes away after puberty.

What age group was most effected by rheumatoid arthritis?


How do you test for other types of arthritis besides rheumatoid?

The tests for all forms of arthritis are about the same and in the end it is all down to observation over time of the effected area.

How is the lifestyle with arthritis?

As arthritis comes in many forms, it all depends on what part or parts of the body are effected. however with the use of modern drugs ans and technology's people with arthritis can usually look forward to a relatively normal lifestyle.

Is there a disease similar to arthritis that effects only the hands?

If you are getting the symptoms of arthritis in both hands then it is likely that you have RA rheumatoid Arthritis it would be wise to have this checked out with your doctor in order to prevent the damage that this disease can do to your hands and other joints that are not presently effected.

How do you know when you have arthuritis in body?

Usually stiff sore or swollen joints are a pretty good indicator. However with forms of arthritis like Rheumatoid arthritis which is an Autoimmune disease other parts of the body may be effected.

How do you treat arthritis with exsersise?

exercising does not so much treat arthritis as make the muscles around effected joints stronger and more able to support them leading to slowing the damaging progress and to a reduction in the pain caused by the disease.

Can aerobics help lower back arthritis?

Yes doing the right exercises can strengthen the muscles around the effected area and help support it

What does arthritis look like?

A person with arthritis looks like anyone else unless the hip, knee, or ankle joints are so effected that they can no longer walk. If the hands are affected, the fingers might be swollen and crooked, or there may be "knots" on the joints.

How can you differentiate pyogenic arthritis from Oestoarthritis?

The term "suppurative arthritis" is a near synonym for septic arthritis. ("Suppurative" refers to the production of pus, without necessarily implying sepsis.)ICD-10 uses the term "pyogenic arthritis". Pyogenic also refers to the production of pus.Reactive arthritis refers to arthritis caused by an immune consequence of an infection, but not directly attributable to the infection itself.The usual etiology of septic arthritis is bacterial, but viral, mycobacterial, and fungal arthritis occur occasionally. A broader term is "infectious arthritis", which describes arthritis caused by any infectious organism. Viruses can cause arthritis, but it can be hard to determine if the arthritis is directly due to the virus or if the arthritis is reactive.Septic/suppurative arthritis and "bacterial arthritis" are sometimes considered equivalent, but there are exceptions. For example, Borrelia burgdorferi can cause infectious arthritis, but is not associated with suppurative arthritis. (Source wikipedia)Osteoarthritis does not involve the production of puss at the site of the effected joint or joints.

What impact does arthritis have on the moving and positioning of someone?

It all depends on how seriously the joints are effected however I know from experience with someone that has had the disease that it can be a very painfull experience for them.