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Q: Who is helped when an egret sits on top of a rhino and eats flies?
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The Reddish egret eats fish, frogs crustaceans and small invertebrates.

What are the food habits of rhino?

The African White Rhino eats grass (i.e they are grazers) The African Black Rhino eats leaves (i.e they are browsers)

Why do rhinos and oxpeckers live together?

they live together because the rhino can get clean and the oxpecker gets a free meal and can be carried around

Is the black rhino a predator?

The rhino is a herbivore; it eats plants. It is not a predator.

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What eats more an elephant or a rhino?

a rhino has a smaller stomach than an elephant, so elephant is the answer.

What is a dragonfly?

they eat mosquitoes, gnats, and flies :) hope that helped!!

What is the symbiosis relationship between a tick bird and a rhino?

tick birds eat the ticks on a rhino. the relationship is positive for both the rhino and the tick bird because they both get what they want.


Nothing eats a White Rhino, because of their horns, large size and strong skin.

How do birds help cows?

The egret follows the cow because it eats the insects which are attracted by the cow's manure, and other manure dropped earlier, but as the cow moves through the herbage it disturbs flies and other creatures which the egret eats. If the cow is annoyed by flies on its hide the egret will also clean those up. So it is a happy partnership.

How much does a White rhino eat in a day?

alot, a 1500lbs bear eats 10000, so 6000 lbs Rhino should be somewhere 40000 calories