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I would personnaly have to say spike because of his awsome accent, hair, and personallity!!
Spike because he has a great smile and I love he's cheek bones and who doesn't love a punk rock vampire that's hilarious and another great thing about him is he's pack. Angel isn't that bad it's just he doesn't have the same appeal as spike and in my opinion he plays a boring character but it's about what turns you on not me so have a look for yourself if you like.

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This is kind of a hard question to answer. Both obviously love her very much, but I still have to go with Angel on this one. His is a more pure, selfless kind of love.

Spike fought for and endured physical and emotional torture to regain his soul, so that he could be the man Buffy deserved to be with. Then, he died to save Buffy, (and the world of course). So although I don't think this question has an easy answer, let's not discount Spike please.

Spike got a soul because he thought Buffy would be able to love him then. I'm not discounting Spike, but Angel's love is more selfless than Spike's.

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