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Stalin was the ruler of the USSR and therefore had no superior.

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Q: Who is in charge of Stalin?
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Why was josef Stalin in charge?

Stalin took over after Lenin died, in spite of Lenin's warning not to let him do so.

How is Joseph Stalin related to Vladimir Lenin?

Stalin was Lenin's successor, even though Lenin didn't actually like Stalin much. Before that, Stalin had been in charge of the Communist Party's administration.

Why does Stalin imposed central government control?

Stalin was for a communism government. A totalitarian government where he could be dictator and be in charge of what every one under him did.

Who was Stalin's second in command?

Stalin was too paranoid to name a second in command but the nearest equivalent would be Lavrentiy Beria who was in charge of the NKVD which was the secret police .

Who was Russians war time leader in world war 2?

Joseph Stalin was in charge of Russia.

What battle was Joseph Stalin in charge of?

Joseph Stalin himself was never a soldier, although he was commander-in-chief for the Second World War and played a part in the Russian Civil War, but not as a psychical soldier. He was drafted into the First World War, but was denied for service due to a permanant arm injury.

Who was the dictator of the Soviet Union after World War I?

Josef Stalin was in charge of the USSR from 3 April 1922 until 5 March 1953.

Which country used collectivization to forcibly take over private land to create state-controlled farms?

The USSR did while Stalin was in charge.

What is a power vacuum?

A situation where nobody is in charge. It usually applies when a dictator like Stalin dies and nobody is ready or able to take his place.

Did Joesph Stalin's father abuse him?

Yes, most all of Stalin's biographers note that Stalin's father beat both Stalin and Stalin's mother.

How do you pronounce Stalingrad?

Stalin-grad Stalin-grad Stalin-grad

Was Stalin a Freemason?

No, Stalin was not a Freemason.