

Who is is the prophet and leader of Islam religion?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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There is no current Prophet and there is no current leader, called "khalifah" or "deputy"

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Q: Who is is the prophet and leader of Islam religion?
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The religion is Islam. see related question for more information.

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Prophet Muhammad Sallalahu Alayhi wa Salam Just like in christianity it is Jesus prophet muhammad is the leader of islam

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Yes, Prophet Muhammad is the leader of Islam religion per Quran revelation to him by God through the angel Gabriel (or Jibril). Refer to related question below.

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Muhammad is said to be the founding leader and prophet of Islam

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Islam and is the second largest religion of the worldIslamMuhammad is the main proptet in the religion Islam. He is not the religion, but the center of the religion.

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Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the original leader of Islam.

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no da only religion dat prophet ayyub spread was Islam . . . .

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prophet Muhammad (PBUH)