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EDIT: Nad and Kazu aren't actually from Invader Zim; they're OCs (original characters) by an artist who went by DarkHunterWolf (she's also known as HyenaKay or simply Kay (to those intimately familiar with the fandom) and (currently) Kantayeni). She has since deactivated her account. Any evidence of Nad and Kazu's existence resides on YouTube and in similar locations.

They are generally held in much higher regard than the usual OC.

End of EDIT ~lightningpelt

Zim has no siblings. In the episode 'parent teacher night', you see Zim's, well, birth. He wasn't born like you and I were, that's all I'm saying. Go back and watch that episode, than you'll understand;P.

=]invader luver 4 life!

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Q: Who is nad and kazu from invader zim are they zims sisters or sum?
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