

Invader Zim (TV Series)

Created by Jhonen Vasquez, “Invader Zim” is an American animated TV series produced by and aired on Nickelodeon in 2001. The story tells of the adventures of an extraterrestrial named Zim as he conquers a dark version of the Earth.

237 Questions

Does gir die in Invader Zim?

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GIR (voice: Rosearik Rikki Simons) is a malfunctioning, dimwitted Standard-issue Information Retrieval Unit (SIR) who was built out of leftovers. His clueless but friendly personality balances his many faults. This robot cannot diesince he is not alive, and there have been no plans to disensemble him. He is part of the Invader Zimcast, a USA animated television series.

Where can you find full length shows of invader zim in the UK?

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Well, I'm in VA in the US, but here we have Netflix, which is where I go for all my Invader Zim episodes. It's also good for instant movies and rentals

=] Invader luver 4 life!

When did The Invaders end?

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The Invaders - band - was created in 1968.

How old is scoodge from the tv show invader zim?

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Asked by Crazyinvaderzimfan

I would guess about as old and Zim as it says in the scripe of a unfinish episode. So more than 50 years as it says in Tak the hideous new girl and she also said something about 70 more years so i would say around 120 years old.

When do Dib and Gaz realize they are creations on Invader Zim?

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The show and it's creators have never stated that zim created gaz and dib

What color is Irken blood?

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Irken blood is green .

Second person: I looked on a Jhonen blog where he said it was pink. You may be partially correct. Maybe one gender has green and the other pink, but I know the green in the pilot wasn't blood. It was puss.

When was invader zim created?

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Invader Zim was set in the future , or an alternate future , because some of the inventions of Professor Membrane have not been invented in our present day and time .

Why did nick cancle invader zim?

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Nickelodeon had desired a show for their older demographic when Invader Zim was greenlighted. Nickelodeon promoted Invader Zim for this purpose, but did not provide a time slot that the creators of the program thought suitable. Consequently the show suffered in the ratings therefore Nickelodeon canceled the series midway through its second season, leaving at least seven episodes and a planned television movie series finale unfinished.

Was invader zim cancelled because of bloody gir?

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Asked by Ilovetacos109

The 'Bloody Gir' was a picture of GIR covered in blood that the producers of Invader ZIM snuck in , because Jhonen Vasquez wanted a GIR covered in blood in the episode "GIR Goes Crazy and Stuff" . However , Nickelodeon (understandably) prohibited it , but the image had already been drawn . Jhonen Vasquez , color artist J. Bondy and alongside voice-artist Rosearik Rikki Simons(the voice of GIR) , on their own volition decided to sneak images of 'Bloody GIR' in just about , supposedly , every episode following the refusal . 'Bloody Gir' can be seen in the episodes "Bad , Bad Rubber Piggy" , "Hamstergeddon" , "Plague of Babies" and "Mortos der Soulstealer" .

Is there going to be another season of invader zim?

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Actually, it aired last month, March of '10. I missed it, but I hear that if they got good ratings and lots of viewers, they'd keep it on, AND allow new episodes to be made.

Which episode got the cartoon invader zim kicked off the air?

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It is not the episodes that were already aired but the incomplete and ,therefore, unaired episodes that got Invader Zim canceled due to the violence. It is most likely that Nickelodeon didn't like the violence that Invader Zim was heading towards. But it is known for a fact that it was NOT because of "Bloody Gir". It couldn't have been because Nickelodeon found out about Bloody Gir AFTER Invader Zim was canceled.

FYI Invader Zim HAS been brought back. It airs on Nickelodeon every night from 10 PM to 10:30 PM Eastern Time every night. Even if they do continue the series, it won't be the same because Jhonen Vasquez has already walked.

What year was invader zim canceled?

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Asked by Wiki User

Invader zim was cancelled in 2004 for being that the Illustrators hid the picture of Bloody Gir..It was a picture of gir covered in blood.

Nick doesnt want blood in ANY show of Nick, so It was cancelled by 2004.

It would still be going on if it hadn't been cancelled.

Sometimes at night it still comes on, but very rarely.. And I don't mean like 8:00,9:00, I mean about 10:30 to 11:00..

Hope I helped!!

Contact me on youtube..My username is Zimphan25


My response: Invader Zim came on when I came home from school, so it was about 3 whatever, so it shows in the daytime. I don't know why they don't want any blood, 'cause iCarly has some blood in it, not due to violence. And, the episodes are just reruns. At least we get to see Gir, Dib, and Zim. I'm talking a little too much, so there's some of your answer. LOL. ITS BACK ON NICK NOW.This information is brought to you by a different person.

How popular is gaz from invader zim?

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They barely ever talk, so no.

The answer is no of course.


no not ever in the show, but you'll find hundreds of fan made stories about zim and gaz romance (zagr) on the internet.


Is Invader Zim Coming Back On Nick?

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Last year on Halloween it's the "october" theme, and they showed the haloween episode and a few others. And i also belive they show the Christmas episode on Christmas. but like once. other than that, never.

check the scheldule at:

click schedule, yeah, they'll show one show 15 times in a day, but only shoe invader zim twice a year

When did invader zim air?

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The cartoon series Invader Zim aired on Nickelodeon from March 30, 2001 to December 10, 2002 .

What are the 46 episodes for Invader Zim?

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>Season One :

The Nightmare Begins , Bestest Friend , NanoZim , Parent Teacher Night , Walk of Doom , Germs , Dark Harvest , Attack of the Saucer Morons , The Wettening , Career Day , Battle - Dib , Planet Jackers , Rise of the Zitboy , Invasion of the Idiot Dog Brain , Bad, Bad Rubber Piggy , A Room with a Moose , Hamstergeddon , Plague of Babies , Bloaty's Pizza Hog , Door to Door , FBI Warning of Doom , Bolognius Maximus , Game Slave 2 , Battle of the Planets , Halloween Spectacular of Spooky Doom , Mysterious Mysteries , Future Dib , Hobo 13 , Walk for your Lives , Megadoomer , Lice , Abducted , The Sad, Sad Tale of Chickenfoot , GIR Goes Crazy and Stuff , Dib's Wonderful Life of Doom , Tak: The Hideous New Girl .

>Season Two :

Backseat Drivers from Beyond the Stars , Mortos Der Soulstealer , Zim Eats Waffles , The Girl Who Cried Gnome , Dibship Rising , Vindicated! , The Voting of the Doomed , Gaz, Taster of Pork , The Frycook What Came from All That Space and (46th episode) The Most Horrible X-Mas Ever .

Where can you download free Invader Zim episodes?

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Asked by Wiki User

I don't know how to 'download' the episodes. But you can try Megavideo if you want to watch them for free! Also you can try YoutubeDownload and take it from a youtube episode.

Is Dib from invader zim a human?

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No he isn't. Dib was created by Membrane, his dad, but it was never revealed because of the shows cancellations.

UPDATE: Dib was created in Professor Membrane's lab. So Dib isn't human, he just looks like a human. This would have been revealed in the episode "The Trial" if the show wasn't cancelled.


Why was the show 'Invader Zim' cancelled?

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Invader Zim was cancelled due to poor ratings , the dark nature of the show , problems with going over budget . They did try to get the show moved to MTV like Ren and Stimpy but that never went through .

How old is ms bitters from invader zim?

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She dosent really have an age remember this woman can come from shadows shes probly a witch.

Why did Invader Zim get cancled?

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The whole reason the show was cancelled was because nick dosent want blood in any show... the guy who made the show sliped clips of bloody gir into the show nick cought it and banned it from the show the creator of the show pleaded it was pizza sause and pepperoni on his eyes... (you can catch bloody gir on episode 39 of invader zim in 20 seconds into the TV show when the little tube things are coming out of the house right before it changes to dibs thing)

NO they did not go off air because bloodly gir it was that the show was getting unpopular so they had to go off air

I heard it was because the writer wanted Zim to kill, (like violent murder kill) Dib

Is invader zim coming back to Nickelodeon in 2011?

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I think that it probably won't because Nickelodeon said that if people buy enough Invader Zim Operation Doom DVD, that it maybe would come back but no one is sure. But I know the Invader Zim supporters will do what ever they can to buy it, hey I brought it too, so I hope this kinda answered your question.

~Anna Z.