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O.W. Wilson

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Q: Who is noted for developing modern management and administrative techniques for policing?
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You will have to be more specific in your question. Techniques for what? The Roman army had many duties, from building roads and bridges to policing an area to actual fighting. There methods varied depending on what they were doing and where they were doing it.

What influence did English policing have on American policing?

influenced the policing by local control

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policing system

What is the Difference between problem oriented policing and community policing?

Problem Oriented Policing is REACTIVE - whereas Community Oriented Policing is PROACTIVE.

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policing system

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policing in Tagalog: pinupulis

What do criminologist can contribute to the pnp?

Criminologists can contribute to the PNP by providing expertise in understanding criminal behavior, analyzing crime patterns, developing crime prevention strategies, and evaluating the effectiveness of policing initiatives. They can also help in conducting research to support evidence-based policing practices and policies.

What techniques could be used to prevent clients from downloading more than 50 GB of data per day through a given network interface?

traffic policing

What are the 5 eras of policing?

Political Era (1840-1930), Reform Era(1930-1970), Community Oriented Policing Era (1970- Current)

What is the general mandate for policing?

General mandate for policing

Which of the following techniques could be used to prevent clients from downloading more than 50 gb of data per day through a given network interface?

Traffic Policing

What is the motto of ACT Policing?

ACT Policing's motto is 'Working together for a safer community'.